Alfield Holdings Corp. LLC is a holding company based in the Republic of Marshal Islands. The Company initiates and directs its investments to innovative and hi-tech businesses including advanced technologies and beneficial for the future of mankind with significant positive social and environmental impact on local communities or humanity in general.

Founded in 2016, ALFIELD HOLDINGS CORPORATION is new dedicated holding company committed to progress and innovation in the widely diversified fields of digital technologies, financial services, transaction processing, software development.

Our company has a well-defined strategic vision combined with complex analysis and experienced management. Alfield Holdings Corporation in an investor as well as operator and partner with our successful businesses.

The company is to invest in development of innovative services development, digital part of profitable services having the best impact on societies locally or globally, supporting knowledge sharing, education, encouraging the use of digital technologies for the best of our societies.

Investing in Future is our slogan and this is due to our innovative and value-based approach to investments. We are committed to profitable and value-based, oriented on best impact for society and environment business model. We believe in profits based on global social and environmental values, talented youth, community development. As a dedicated and responsible investor we are committed to raising employment capacity through in digital services development.



We invest in businesses ideas and value systems are fully consistent with ours. We partner with innovative leaders with unique ideas, strong management teams, and demonstrated ability to help us achieve our strategic goal of a maximum long term return.

For the next decade Alfield holdings has defined the priority areas of investment:

  • Digital services software development
  • Digital tools for business modeling
  • Any type of digital solutions in advanced corporate management
  • Landscape architecture modeling systems
  • E-learning platforms and virtual education tools development
  • Alternative digital investment marker platforms
  • Blockchain alternatives or alternative tools liked with blockchain


Every member of Alfield Holdings Corporation team is charged with being a guardian of our Corporate Value System. These values guide both our business and personal relationships, and we take them very seriously. We believe that our dedication to the fundamental tenets of honesty, integrity and fair business dealings will enable us to continue our long legacy of success.

  • We are HONEST in our dealings with others.
  • We DELIVER what we promise in our business and personal relationships.
  • We always demonstrate COMMITMENT and DILIGENCE in our efforts.


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